Saturday, October 19, 2019

UP Board Class 12 Commerce Syllabus

Board exams of the UP board will start from 16 February. There is only some time left for the exam to start. The up board has uploaded its new syllabus for class 12 on the website of the UP board. The board has also uploaded the new syllabus for class 12 commerce UP board class 12 commerce students have to see new UP board class 12th commerce syllabus for the preparation of UP board commerce. UP Board class 12 commerce students had to look for a new UP board class commerce syllabus for preparation of UP board commerce and to prepare their exam on the basis of the new syllabus. If the students who want to bring good marks in commerce, all those students should strategy their examinations according to the new syllabus. We are uploaded up board class 12 syllabus. Students can see the syllabus by going to the commerce link from that link.
Up board class 12 commerce syllabus pdf download
We have uploaded the latest syllabus of class 12 which has been uploaded on our website by the UP board. Students can download the syllabus of commerce by following this link and start the preparation of the exam.

Overview of up board class 12 

Name of the Exam
Uttar Pradesh Board Class 12 Exam 2019
or UP Board Intermediate Exam 2019
Conducting Authority
Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP)
Exam level
State Level
Mode of Exam
Date of exam
3rd February 2019 to 2nd March 2019
Official Website

 Up board New Exam Pattern 
The up board takes the offline exam, the up board exam is of 3 hours, the up board has 2 papers of every subject. This time the up board has changed the pattern of the exam. This time, instead of 2 papers in the up board, there will be only 1 paper on every subject. Earlier, it was difficult for the student to give the exam, but this time it has become easier to pass in the up board exam and bring good marks. This change in exam pattern is the favorite of students.
Weightage of the marks UP Board Class 12 exam is:
·      a. 70 marks for written exam
·      b. 30 marks for internal and project work
So, students have to work on their projects serially because this time the project work is 30 marks 

UP Board Math Syllabus : PDF Download

The UP board has uploaded the UP board syllabus of class 12th maths 2018-2019
on its official website. We have also uploaded a new UP board class 12th math
syllabus on our website. Students can download new UP board class 12 mathematics
syllabus from it. Students can download the new UP board class 12 maths syllabus,
they can do the according to their new syllabus and can get good marks in the UP
board math exam, students will have to solve the UP board class 12 maths practice
set according to the new math syllabus so that the students get the idea of ​​the
questions coming in the exam and that Could strengthen your exam
UP Board syllabus of class 12th math

 Class 12
Subject - Math
               Exam Duration - 3 Hours      
Marks-   100
Relationship and function
Vector and three-dimensional geometry
Linear programming


Unit-1: Relations and Functions 10 marks
1. Relations and Functions: Types of relations: automatic, symmetric, contagious
and equivalence relations, unitary and overlapping functions, joint functions, inverse
of functions, binary operations.
2. Perilome trigonometric functions: Definition, Range, Province, Key values branches,
Articles of inverse trigonometric functions. Initial properties of inverse trigonometric

Unit-2: Algebra 13 digits
1. Matrices: Concept, Notation, Order, Equality, Types of Matrices, Zero and
Simultaneous Matrices, Changes of Matrices, Symmetric and Odd Symmetric
Matrices. Activities on Matrices: Sum and multiplication and scalar multiplication.
properties of sum, multiplication and scalar multiplication. Unreconciliation of
multiplication of matrices and existence of nonzero matrices whose multiplication is
a zero matrix (limited to the square matrices of order 2). Concept of initial line and
column operations, inverse matrix and inverse uniqueness if it exists
(here the elements of all matrices are real numbers).
2. Arithmetic: The determinant of a square matrix (up to a square matrix of 3x3 order),
the properties of the determinants, the determinant and the covariance, the application
of the determinants in finding the area of ​​a triangle, the inverse of the covariance
matrix and the matrix. Finding the number of solutions of a linear equation body by
corresponding, incompatible and examples. Solving linear equation bodies in two or
three variables (which have unique solutions) using the inverse of the matrix.

Unit-3: function 44 points
1. Continuity and Differential: Continuity and Differential The Differentiation of
Combined Functions, Series Rules, Differentiation of Inverse Trigonometric Functions,
Differential Functional Differentiation, Variable Exponential and Concept of
Logarithmic Functions and their Differentiation. Logarithmic Differentiation,
Differential Expressions of Functional Forms, Second-order Differential, Mean
The theorem of Rowley and Lagranz (without subsidence) and they're geometric
interpretation and application.
2. Applications of Calculations: Applications of Calculations, Rate of Change, Increase / Loss Value Functions, Perpendiculars and Tangents, Adjacent Highest and Lowest (Geometric Motivation of First Differential Test and Second Differential Test Equivalent Tool) Simple Questions (which are subject Demonstrate an understanding of basic principles and relate to real life).
3. Integration: Integration, as an inverse process of differential calculus, by integrating multiple types of functions, by partial fractions, by segmentation, to find the value of simple integrations of the following types only and based on them, the question -
Determine the integral as the limit of the sum, the theorem of the calculus
(without derivative), the basic properties of the definite integrals and to find its values.
4. Applications of integrations -
Application: To find the area under ordinary curves, especially the lines, the area of ​​a
circle / parabola / ellipse (only in standard form), the area between any of the above
two curves (the area is perfectly defined).
5. Differential Equations - Definition, Rank, and Power, Comprehensive and Specific
The solution of Differential Equations, Making Differential Computation with Given
Comprehensive Solution, Solution of Differential Equations by Differential Variable
Methods, Solution of First Grade and First Degree Equivalent Differential Equations.
Solve types of linear differential equations
Unit-3: function 44 points
1. Continuity and Differential: Continuity and Differential The Differentiation of
Combined Functions, Series Rules, Differentiation of Inverse Trigonometric Functions,
Differential Functional Differentiation, Variable Exponential and Concept of Logarithmic
Functions and their Differentiation. Logarithmic Differentiation, Differential Expressions
of Functional Forms, Second-order Differential, Mean Theorem of Rowley and Lagranz
(without subsidence) and their geometric interpretation and application.
2. Applications of Calculations: Applications of Calculations, Rate of Change, Increase
/ Loss Value Functions, Perpendiculars and Tangents, Adjacent Highest and Lowest
(Geometric Motivation of First Differential Test and Second Differential Test Equivalent
Tool) Simple Questions (which are subject Demonstrate an understanding of basic
principles and relate to real life).
3. Integration: Integration, as an inverse process of differential calculus, by integrating
multiple types of functions, by partial fractions, by segmentation, to find the value of
simple integrations of the following types only and based on them, the question -
Determine the integral integral as the limit of the sum, the theorem of the calculus
(without derivative), the basic properties of the definite integrals and to find its values.
4. Applications of integrations -
Application: To find the area under ordinary curves, especially the lines, the area of ​​a
circle /parabola/ellipse (only in standard form), the area between any of the above two
curves (the area is perfectly defined).
5. Differential Equations - Definition, Rank, and Power, Comprehensive and Specific
A solution of Differential Equations, Making Differential Computation with Given
Comprehensive Solution, Solution of Differential Equations by Differential Variable
Methods, Solution of First Grade and First Degree Equivalent Differential Equations.
Solve types of linear differential equations...

Unit – 5: Linear Programming 06 Marks
1. Linear Programming: Role, related terms, such as constraint, objective function, definitions
of solutions, different types of linear programming problems, mathematical formulation of
linear programming problems, graphical solution to problems given in two variables, consistent
and inconsistent. Area, Consistent and Incompatible Solution, Optimal Consistent Solution.
Unit-6: Probability 10 marks
Conditional, (Constant) Probability, Multiplication Rule of Probability, Independent Events,
Total Probability, Beige Theorem, | Random variables, and probability distribution and their
probability distribution, mean and variance of random variables, Bernoulli test and binomial

Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Council, Allahabad
Class-12 maths
Syllabus and Textbooks
First question paper
Maximum marks: 50

Inverse trigonometric function
coordinate geometry

Total Marks-50
unit 1. Algebra
1. Matrices (10 digits)
Concept, Notation, Sequence, Equality, Types of Matrices, Zero Matrices, Transformation
of a Matrix, Symmetric and Odd Symmetric Matrices, Sum of Matrices and Scalar
Multiplications Simple Properties of Sum Multiplication and Scalar Multiplication.
Unreconciliation of multiplication of matrices and existence of nonzero matrices
whose multiplication is a zero matrix (limited to the square matrices of order 2).
Concept of initial line and column operations, inverse matrix and uniqueness of inverse,
if its existence (Here the elements of all matrices. Are real numbers)
2. Tabular (06 Marks)
The determinant of a square matrix (up to a square matrix of 3 × 3), the properties of the
determinants, the subsystem and the bisectors, the application of the determinants in
finding the area of ​​the triangle is the co-segment matrix and the inverse of the matrix.
Finding the number of solutions of a linear equation body by corresponding,
incompatible and examples. Solving a linear equation in two or three variables using the
inverse of the body (which has a unique solution). Kramer's rule and its applications.
3. Linear errors - (06 digits)
Linear problems, algebraic solutions of linear inequalities in a variable and its
representation on a number line. Graphical solution of linear inequalities in two

Unit-2. Inverse trigonometric rotation
Articles by definition, premises, provinces, main branches, inverse trigonometric
functions. Initial properties of inverse trigonometric functions. (08 digits)

Unit-3. Coordinate geometry
1. Conical circumference - Conical circumference, ellipse, perpendicular and
non-convex. A dot, a straight line and a pair of intersecting lines, in the unrefined form
of a cone passage. Standard equation of circle General equation of the circle, introduction
of ellipse and constant of unipolar. Restriction of the tangent line to the circle, parabola,
ellipse, and non-hyperbola of the straight line Y = mx + c. (14 digits)
2. Introduction to trigonometric geometry - directions and coordinates plane,
coordinates of a point, distance between two points and segment formulas in
three-dimensional space. (06 marks)

Second paper integer: 50

Linear programming
Vector and three-dimensional geometry

Total marks 50